

Mon-Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00

Cookies policy

This website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files in which browsers store information during visits to web pages. In cookies, data such as the IP address, the address being visited, the operating system, the browsing language, as well as other information, can be collected. This information is not associated with any specific person but is only statistical information to analyze the visibility of the different contents of the website.

Below, we offer you information about which cookies this website uses, as well as how to control their management and how to eliminate them completely.

Cookies used by this website:

This website uses only a Google Analytics cookie. Google Analytics is a free service offered by Google Inc. that collects information on which pages of the website have been consulted, at what time, with which browser, etc. This information is then sent to the servers of Google Inc. in the United States.

How can cookies be managed in the browser?

The user can manage the cookies installed on his computer by configuring his browser options. Below we show you how you can change the configuration of cookie options in the main browsers on the market for your version of PC. If you use other browsers or platforms, please consult the specific documentation provided by the browser developer company. The information shown here for the configuration is for the versions existing at the time of writing this documentation. Instructions may differ in future versions of browsers. In this case, please consult the corresponding support section of the developer company.

To adjust permissions related to cookies in the Google Chrome browser:

  • Click on the menu located on the toolbar.
  • Select Configuration.
  • Click on show advanced options.
  • In the section Privacy click on the button content settings.
  • In the section Cookies options can be configured.

More information about Google Chrome.

To adjust the permissions related to cookies in the Mozilla Firefox browser:

  • At the top of the Firefox window click on the menu Tools.
  • Select Options.
  • Select panel Privacy.
  • In the Firefox option you can choose Use custom settings for history to set the options.

More information about Mozilla Firefox.

To adjust the permissions related to cookies in the Internet Explorer browser:

  • At the top of the Internet Explorer window, click on the menu Tools.
  • go to tab Security and use the option Delete browsing history to delete cookies.

More information about Internet Explorer.

If you block the use of cookies in your browser, some services or features of the website may not be available.
